woensdag 22 juli 2009

My First Blog

Greetings dear Readers,

this is my first blog, so I thought an introduction is due.
As you migth have guessed from the title of this blog, this isn't just a
This Blog is about abnormal, and maybe even paranormal, stories.
I know what you are thinking right now: 'aaaargh, not again this
supersticious crap'.
Well I guess you guys are right and therefore I will explain the purpose of
this page.

I was on a family-holiday in Austria once, and the only book I had with me
was a H.P Lovecraft story collection. I really liked it, but the fact that
almost all the evil things were from the sea reminded me of a story my dad once
told me...
He told me that his father-my grandfather- had once spoken to an officer on
a passanger-ship headed to Suriname. According to my dad this officer had told
my Grandfather about the many weird things he had seen on his ocean voyages. My
grandfather is a biologist so he was interested.

Remembering this story intrigued me, because of my fresh experience with Lovecraft's horrors.
decided that I wanted to know more about this. Therefore I asked my grandfather about it.
After a short conversation I found out that my dad hadn't told me the story right.
It wasn't my grandfather who had had this conversation, but a acquaintance of his.
But the essence was still true...The officer in the story had seen several strange things which he couldn't explain. He had seen swimming shapes of creatures that he had never heard of before.

Well to be honest, I don't believe this story. It is far too indirect for me to trust the source.
But I like the idea.
That's why I started this blog. I shall collect stories such as these and I shall try to investigate them as far as I can, then I will report my findings here.
There are certain things that need to be said:
- I will not lie to make a story more spectacular.
- I will respect privacy of the persons in my stories, so if you try to verify certain sources there is a chance that the names I gave don't excist.
- I may have to break laws (sneak into abandonned buildings etc) so I'll remain anonymous.
- If you want me to investigate a story I'll glady help you but please understand that I can't do everything. I'm from Holland so I won't visit a haunted house in the States.
I might travel to Belgium or Germany but please consider that I'm not very rich.
-I'm not a Medium or a Ghost whisperer. I won't expel ghosts from your house. I will only write down what I found. Consider me a paranormal journalist.
More important: this blog is not my life, it's a hobby. I have a very busy life so I won't be able to spend too much time on it.

I guess that was there is too tell you for now.
I hope you'll enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.
My next blog will be my first investigation:
Mysterious sea creatures.
I'll try to do the following:
I'll contact a sailor and try to arrange an interview about his experiences on sea.
I'll post the results of this interview on this site and give my opinion about the reliabilty of the sailor's story.

yours truly,
An Update:
-This blog
I found a colleague.
I won't be alone in my quests into the unknown.
From now almost everything here will be the work of two persons.
-Sea Creatures
I've joined a forum for sailors with the intention of asking for an interview. I hope I'll be able to show you results soon.
- This blog
My colleague and I have spend some time on finding interesting subjects in our environment. I think we can say that we succeeded. We found several hounted houses/castles. I will not tell you too much about it so it will remain a small mystery :P

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